Sun's Over the Yardarm

The Adventures of Princess P and Vitamin T


Little Miss Drama

It's been a bit since the last entry...yes, the drought continues - BUT WAIT!! THERE'S MORE!! Let's start with the fact that I got fired. Yes, after 5 long years of giving my blood, sweat (that's actually funny as I was working for a gym) and tears to New York Sports Club, I am now unemployed.

While I am royally pissed off I also feel kind of happy-relieved-excited. I've been applying for jobs like crazy and it's getting to be kind of fun. I'm applying for stuff I don't even know if I can pull off - but hey! who cares?

The drama, my dear friends, does not end with me getting canned. My friend's former fiancee killed himself on the 4th of July and I spent Friday morning at the funeral. Last night I attempted to have my usual nice, relaxing Sunday reading the paper in the Parkside Lounge and instead ending up watching a brutal, animalistic fight between one of my exes (ok, a prize for anyone who can guess which ex) and a friend of mine. Both parties left bleeding and handcuffed in Verona PD squad cars.

Now, the more pertinent issue (ha!) is that all this drama has made me a little on the tense-anxious-weepy side. The unfortunate side-effect is that every time I get upsettish I dial a certain gentleman. I realized it was OOC when I called him last night after the fight and he said "Was it you who was calling me about a dozen times?" Now, I responded truthfully when I said that I had called once a few minutes earlier and that was it HOWEVER if his first thought was that I was a redial-o-phile I must be driving him up a wall.

He, not so incidentally, is not speaking to me today as far as I can tell. He won't return an email... even the really adorable fake press release about my self-imposed cell phone ban. What's a Drama Queen to do?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

all i can really say is aside from the hilarious content... your writing still kicks ass!!
love reading it. you're too funny.

11:02 PM  
Blogger Lisa, Princess of Patron said...

Insanity provides excellent blog material!

2:58 PM  
Blogger Laura the Writer said...

Oh, Lis! What a few days. You know, you can call me any time. And if I'm, say, having lunch with my former kindergarten teacher in the Adirondacks, I'll call ya back as soon as I have reception again.

Can't wait to see ya. Monday sometime?

11:44 PM  

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