Sun's Over the Yardarm

The Adventures of Princess P and Vitamin T


The UNbreakup

Ok kids, so it's been a while since I posted and I'm going to rededicate myself to this blog for the benefit of all mankind or at least for the 4 people who read it.  The NB told me to f-off last week so my all out assault has ended in failure... or success depending on how you see it.  My gang of baddies and I currently searching for signs of remorse -- Dina-Bean claims to be seeing chinks in the armor but I'm not convinced. 

In light of this breakup...or should it be a non-breakup -- another NB because he was, after all, the NOT boyfriend -- I've decided that activity is key.  This evening I will be attending a yuppie Chamber of Commerce mixer with some guys from the office, tomorrow is dinner with the baddies, Thursday is Stitch and Bitch at a knitting shop in town and Friday, assuming I'm stable and capable, will be my first outing to the bar since the non-breakup (how about the UNbreakup as an homage to the UNcola?  Besides, it makes it the UB instead of the NB -- v. confusing).

I was conversating with my dearest baddie, Laura, and explaining to her that I was just going to schedule the sad right outta my bad self when an idea was born -- The Breakup Book.  Nobody has more experience with being dumped than I do...why not share?  We'd make it chockfull of suggestions about what you can do with your sorry ass when you've been dumped on it.  Brilliant Laura suggested it could be regionalized... like "What to do in Boise when you get booted" or "What to do in Denver when you've been denied."  Bloody genius!  It may even start as a blog come to think of it....hmmmm.... we could co-write....Laura in Oregon (GO BEAVERTON!) and me in NJ....what should we do tonight Brain?  Same thing we do every night Pinky....TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!!

Anyway, meanwhile I wrote her this REALLY INSANE email this morning that I thought I'd share:

Ok, so I really can't think of anything to do at work today.  I've been channelling a great deal of negative energy into work which basically means I'm doing things 3 times faster than normal...which i believe makes me a superhero but that's another story entirely.  The upside of my superpowers is that my boss is amazed at how quickly I've been turning out press releases, however, the downside is that while I might have allotted 2 days for a project I'm now getting it done in half a day and am at a loss as to what to do with the rest of the time.

I'm SURE there's something I could be doing... really, there must be, but unfortunately navigating the web of approvals that have to happen before I can start pitching a case study or press release is something my work has to do all on its own...I can't really intervene once I've sent the copy to whomever needs to look it over and say "righty-o!"  My internet usage is also monitored so while I would love to shop online or read trashy celeb gossip or funny stuff I just can't cause I may be called to the mat on it.  I can't knit or anything cause they're paying me to be busy and I think they'd find me working on the fugly poncho offensive, not to mention grounds for dismissal.

I was just talking to this very cute boy who works here.  I think he's just adorable and funny, and he wears a tie to work every day even though we're biz casual (envision me in khakis, jungle mocs and a particularly cheerful green v-neck sweater as I compose this).  On casual Fridays when everyone else is in jeans he wears khakis, no tie, a blazer and a button down.  Adorable.

Ok, I obviously need to switch from the XL Dunkin Donuts in the morning to a more modest size.  I'm ever-so-slightly wired.

Love you the most, hugs and kisses to Jonathan!


Want to sponsor a blog?  Or a blogger?  If you'll supply my daily coffee fix I will GLADLY mark my blog "sponsored by Dunkin Donuts."  I love you guys, really.  I'm an XL hazelnut light and sweet...religiously.  Sometimes hot, sometimes iced but I'm there....during the week Riverview Rd., Totowa, NJ, weekends either Valley Rd. Upper Montclair, NJ or Pompton Ave, Cedar Grove, NJ.  Hey, it's what gets me out of bed in the morning.  One thing though, I was just wondering if there's any standard operating procedure as far as decaf is concerned.  While I personally do not believe in decaf (what's the point?) my mom can't have high octane due to a medical condition and it's VERY important that she gets decaf.  The DD employees seem to switch the location of the decaf (particularly for iced coffee) on a daily basis, and frankly, I don't trust 'em. I bet the customers would love it and it would help the employees if the dispenser was clearly labeled decaf.  Just a thought.


Blogger Laura the Writer said...

Go Beaverton!!

Go Trader Joe's!!

8:47 PM  
Blogger Laura the Writer said...

OK, this is an update. Not only is there a Trader Joe's in Beaverton, but there's an L and L Drive Inn, and yes, that's spelled right. It's a Hawaiian barbecue restaurant, found in the islands and now, apparently, in Beaverton.

Who knew? I had to pass on the breaking Beaverton news.

Also, I was in Beaverton today shopping with my mother-in-law for muumuu fabric. Which goes along with the newfound Hawaiian theme of Beaverton, I suppose.

12:50 AM  

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