Drink a Little, Mock a Little
I was very much looking forward to coming home and working on this puppy last night but there was a meeting of the Mutual Admiration Society last night (hey - the acronym is MAS as in "Mas tequila por favor!") and well, let me just say that I'm amazed the car wasn't parked on someone else's lawn when I woke up this morning.
On good nights when Joe, Jake, Bruce and I are together the MAS just goes round and round buying each other round after round. The evening begins with some mild mocking (Joe mocks Jake, Jake mocks Joe, Joe mocks me, I mock Joe, Bruce mocks everyone) and then moves swiftly to Jake announcing he's leaving, one of us offering him another beer and then, of course, reunion of Jake's ass and the bar stool (this is re-enacted several times throughout the evening). As with many bar outings in many different crowds, it's a good night if no one goes home crying. It was a good night.
I wish I had something hysterical to report but it was a bad day at Black Rock....thus, I will leave you with this: http://www.thelonelyisland.com/bingbong.html - not for the faint of heart.
AND ONE MORE THING: I've been experimenting with going commando because, well, sometimes underwear is just a pain....or not clean...or not the right color for my outfit and/or bra. I've had some suprisingly good and some "what was I thinking when I left the house panty-less this morning??" moments. So, here's my question folks: for or agin undies? In what situations? I need input (wait, that might be another blog - ah ha! Tomorrow's topic - "Put Out or Get Out!").