Polygamy - WOW!
Housekeeping first today campers. My photo albums - link at left - have been moved from shutterfly to flickr. Click that shit!
Down to business now. The drama, as always, continues. Went to The Darkside on Saturday to see my favorite bartender and ended up utterly monopolized by a recently single male friend (SMF) who quite literally, despite my protestations that I wanted to stay, sit and sip (water at this point as I was quite tipsy) picked up my purse and jacket and walked out of the bar. Cute bartender understood the look on my face but was of no use (is this a theme??).
Ended up hanging at SMF's place. Fine. Sunday evening went to meet my BF Laura, her hubby Jonathan and his niece Krista at their hotel in West Orange at about 7, hung out and then took off for dinner at Mexicali Rose (mmmmm!) Jonathan and Krista went in the van while Laura rode with me. We were on our way around 8:20 when my cell starts blowing up -- SMF calling. Didn't answer. Hey, I was driving! Left celly in car during dinner....came back to 2 missed calls from SMF PLUS a voicemail.
Soooo...went to the bar to pee and grab a quick drinkie...SURPRISE!!! SMF is there! I won't rehash the whole convo but will give you an outline:
1. Why didn't you answer the phone?
2. Why didn't you call me back?
3. I'm pissed off at you.
4. Come home with me.
5. How much will it cost for you to come home with me?
6. If you were a hooker how much would you charge?
7. Me exiting.
8. My phone ringing as I get in the car.
9. SMF heading for my car while on the phone with me.
10. Me peeling out.
Guys, I dontwannaanswermyphone!! If that shit rings and I don't know the number it's going to voicemail. I'd just like to know if I'm giving off some kind of prositutey vibe because now TWO men have asked me how much it would cost them for a sleepover. Things are alllllll kinds of wrong. I flipped all of my husbands the bird at some point this weekend - two of them last night. I'm heading for "My Big Fat Polygamist Divorce" any day now. Egads!By the way, just in case you were wondering, I did manage to squeeze in a little QT with my favorite bartender. I have to, as Tim Gunn of Project Runway says, "Make it work!"